the thin line.

The line between Love and anger is a thin one.

Love can bring the best out of us but also the worse. It can make us do things we don't mean and even hurt the ones we love.

Sometimes Love can be overwhelming that it blinds us to reason and thus anger ensues.

“Anger makes strangers of us”.

Anger makes strangers of us, to the point we forget what we are fighting over. Everything starts with a good intention but then the plot is lost.
remember that anyone that truly loves you never wants to hurt you on purpose.

We as humans anger comes naturally to us, but so does Love.
But Love isn't always enough. You haven't achieved true love until you also exercise kindness, courage, respect, forgiveness and probably most importantly humility.

The emotions you feel in difficult times forge character
and bond. 

Anger and Love go hand in hand, embrace it.

from our Isolation series.

“week eight”




ntts x lewisland